DanCeFit classes  Cape Town for ages 40 to 70
Email peter klipfel

What is a Zumba Low Impact Fitness Dance Class.?

Staying in Shape does NOT have to be a grind ..  If you are not in favor of a gym atmosphere then private Zumba classes will be ideal for you .. We are situated in TableView , Melkbos , Parow and Monte Vista

Call  082 876 2516 for more information on how to get yourself into a Zumba Fun Fitness Class today.

Firstly it is a class everyone can do and benefit from. It gives you a sense of belonging, a new goal to aim for and a whole lot of new friendly friends we call the Zumba family.

See below video giving you a idea what we do .. The 17 songs in a hour are from different beats and various songs to keep you in your happy zone for 2 x 60min classes a week.. Should you feel you want to do more you are welcome to join other classes near you.


Beginner Zumba classes Tableview

Not all Zumba instructors are the same - although the majority clone each other there are those that step outside the norm and cater for all fitness levels as well as age and disabilities..

I am one of those instructors that see the need to teach those over 40 years - I see the need to bring back music from the 60, 70 , 80 and 90,s .... 

Members work better with music they relate to -  and it works for me with full classes in Monte Vista , Parow , Melkbosstrand and Tableview  --

Get down to your local zumba class and start smiling and feel the freedom of just having a blast . Call  0828762516

      Website designed by Peter Klipfel  2010 - 2024

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